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Associated projects
International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)
SERENA - SEdimentary REcord of the Northern Afar: Insights in the flooding history of the Danakil Depression
TAS - The Afar Stratoid project
Links of interest
Addis Ababa University - School of Earth Science
Samara University - Earth Science
GIST - International joint research for geoelectromagnetic investigation of divergent plate boundary at Afar in Ethiopia
Rift Volcanism: Past, Present and Future (RiftVolc)
The Afar Rift Consortium
Great African Rift Interdisciplinary Group
Seds Online - resources and online seminar series
Rifts and rifted margins online seminar series
Ethiopia Ministry of Mines
Yasin-K Entertainment
ICDP short propos
ICDP schedule
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